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1) What is the difference between the magnetic scale preventer and a water softener?

2) How does the magnetic scale preventer works?

3) Where to install the magnetic scale preventer?

4) What is aragonite?

5) Does the magnetic scale preventer reduce the water hardness?

6) How long does the magnetic scale preventer work?

7) Is it possible to match a mechanical filter?

8) What are the filter's dimensions?

9) Which model should I choose?

10) Are there any dealers?

11) Does the magnetic scale preventer work with any kind of hard water?

12) For how long is the product guaranteed?

13) Who must install the magnetic scale preventer?

14) Are there any efficiency survey regarding the magnetic scale preventer?

15) How many Gauss?

16) Does the magnetic scale preventer work with steam generators?




1) What is the difference between the magnetic scale preventer and a water softener?   ˄
The treatment we propose is a physics treatment and it does not affect the chemical and organoleptic properties of the water, but it works only on the morphology of the calcium carbonate making the precipitate less encrusting. This means that the water hardness and the quantity of calcium carbonate do not change while a water softener modifies both elements.
One of the limits of the physics treatment (perhaps the only one in household appliances) is this and it appears after the water vaporisation (white traces on the taps, sinks, shower wall and so on).
The physics treatment is certainly less invasive, less polluting and it does not waste water like a water softener usage and maintenance. It does not need any maintenance and just in case the water supply contains impurities, a mechanical filter is recommended after the water intake.


2) How does the magnetic scale preventer works?    ˄
The water is forced through a powerful magnetic field that causes a molecular disassociation of the hard salts (calcium and magnesium ions), which are converted into a soft precipitate similar to talcum powder, called "Aragonite", that remains in suspension and prevents scale formation permanently.


3) Where to install the magnetic scale preventer?   ˄
In case of application in hydraulic non-recuperation circuit, as for domestic use, it is more appropriate to apply a scale preventer capable of treating all the useable water. In case of application in a closed circuit (e.g. cooling towers), it is suggested to apply the scale preventer after the re-circulation pump. It is also possible to apply a scale preventer with a flow rate lower than the piping flow rate (by-pass installations).


4) What is aragonite?    ˄
It is just calcium carbonate with a different crystallographic dress than the calcite. This difference makes more difficult the aggregation of the crystals that usually generate the scale formation so that the crystals remain in suspension in the water preventing sedimentations. The aragonite is easily dragged by the water flow avoiding damaging sedimentation


5) Does the magnetic scale preventer reduce the water hardness?   ˄
The ELCLA scale preventer does not change the water hardness because the quantity of calcium carbonate in water does not change but it changes only the quality of the calcium carbonate.


6) How long does the magnetic scale preventer work?   ˄
Inside the magnetic scale preventer there are permanent magnets that allow its efficiency for many years.


7) Is it possible to match a mechanical filter?   ˄
In case the water supply contains impurities and suspended solids, we recommend a mechanical filter like this: in order to avoid the magnetic scale preventer get dirty (it is hard to clean it) and also to avoid that those impurities reach the critical points of the plant (for instance: boiler heat exchangers, the pumps of the household electrical appliances, the aerators of the taps and so on)


8) What are the filter's dimensions?   ˄
The following web page shows the sizes of the magnetic scale preventer:


9) Which model should I choose?   ˄
It is important to choose the magnetic scale preventer according to the water flow rate of the plant to be fitted and according to the diameter of the pipes (for instance: a pipe with 1" diameter requires a magnetic scale preventer with 1" M/M thread).


10) Are there any dealers?   ˄
Private citizens can buy from our following e-commerce web site:


11) Does the magnetic scale preventer work with any kind of hard water?   ˄
As far as concern the water hardness there are no particular limits. Real limits could be created by the type of the plant to match (for example, and not in connection with the water hardness, negative results have been occurred on the plate-type heat exchangers. In fact in these appliances the sedimentation remains hard to remove perhaps because the shape of the plate-type heat exchanger does not help the water flow to drag the sedimentation away).


12) For how long is the product guaranteed?   ˄
The ELCLA magnetic scale preventers are guaranteed for 10 years against manufacturing deficiencies.


13) Who must install the magnetic scale preventer?   ˄
The magnetic scale preventer can be mounted by any plumber.


14) Are there any efficiency survey regarding the magnetic scale preventer?   ˄


15) How many Gauss?   ˄
Our products make use of magnets made of Neodymium (NdFeB) Gauss 11800/12500 rated output and Ferrite Gauss 3800/4200 rated output.


16) Does the magnetic scale preventer work with steam generators?   ˄
The installation of our products on the steam generators grants only little advantages and so that it is not suggested.






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