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Efficiency survey - Descaling of water

CSI spa - Bollate (Milano) -

Suitable to be used in contact with drinking water.
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Technical Report No. 94031/PA/208


1. Purpose and subject of the survey
The subject of this survey is a device manufactured by the Applicant and called "ionic accelerator GAMA" which is able to generate permanent magnetic fields. Such descaler - ionic accelerator, according to the Applicant technicians is suitable for the reduction of encrusting power of hard water subjected to thermal exchange, without altering the original chemical-physical characteristics. It has been requested that the scale preventer - ionic accelerator be submitted to certain examinations in order to verify its function.


Magnetic scale preventer efficiency survey


2. Testing modalities
Together with the Applicant's technicians following tests have been carried out:
2.1 In the first test in static conditions, glass balls were used, which were previously weighed. In these balls a certain pipeline water quantity, which was previously treated with the descaler - ionic accelerator, was brought to boiling point, the boiling was maintained far 5 minutes, after that, the water was changed and brought again to boiling point. This cycle was repeated for 10 times. For comparison another test, with equal conditions but with pipeline water not previously treated was carried out.

2.2. The second test was executed under dynamic conditions, using two circuits made out of two copper tubes, one in which the water descaler - ionic accelerator was inserted and another one far comparison means, in which water without scale preventer - ionic accelerator treatment flow in. The water in the circuits was kept at about 80/90°C and periodically the flow was interrupted in order to simulate as close as possible the real function conditions of a hot water production line.


Magnetic scale preventer efficiency survey
Picture 1 Aspect of the containers after the test under static conditions,
on the right side the one with the ionic accelerator treated water.


3. Result of the testings
3.1 Static conditions
At the completion of tests, which were carried out as specified at item 2.1, the glass containers were weighed and protocolled. The receiver containing water treated by the ionic accelerator showed a deposit of 18,7 mg. while the container of simple water (without ionic accelerator treatment) registered a deposit of 42,3 mg.

The picture no.1 shows the optical aspect of the two containers at the end of the testing and it should be noted that in the receiver containing water ionic accelerator treated by means of the ionic accelerator (on the right in the picture) the deposit is limited to the ground part of the container and along the interphase water/air, whilst the one containing non treated water shows a residue deposited along all the contact surface to the water.

3.2 Dinamic Conditions
At the end of the test carried out as specified at pos. 2.2, the copper tubes were cut lengthwise and inspected. Both tubes showed a deposit along the walls, but the aspect of such deposit was different in the two cases; the deposit of the tube in which scale preventer - ionic accelerator treated hard water had flown was powdery and incoherent, whilst the deposit of the non-treated water was more compact and, once stressed, detached itself in flakes.

Therefore it was decided to carry out a thorough analysis in order to investigate the nature of the deposit. To this purpose both deposits were submitted to crystallographic-analysis by means of the diffraction of the X-rays (Debye-Scherrer powder method). Both deposits showed the same crystallographic nature, which means that both deposits were formed almost completely by Aragonite.

A further morphological investigation by means of the scanning electronic microscope, showed on the other hand that the two deposits were different, as shown in the pictures 2 and 3. More precisely the one coming out of the non-treated circuit was formed by more regular and compact prismatic crystals (picture 2), whilst the one coming from the circuit containing the descaler - ionic accelerator showed crystals which were less regular, more acicular and less compact (picture 3).
In practice the function of the descaler - ionic accelerator was to make the deposit less compact and therefore easier to be removed from the water flow.


Magnetic scale preventer efficiency survey
Picture 2 Morphology of the deposit left from non-treated water.

Magnetic scale preventer efficiency survey
Picture 3 Morphology of the deposit left from the water treated
by means of the Elcla's ionic accelerators.